Gergely Nagy 3e128552d9 Update the ergodox/algernon keymap to v1.7
Overall changes

* The number row has been completely rearranged on both the **Base** and
  the **ADORE** layers.
* The number/function key behavior was changed: function keys are now on
  the **Media**.
* The `:`/`;` and `-`/`_` keys were put back to their thumb position on
  the bottom row, on both the **Base** and **ADORE** layers.
* The bottom large keys on the inner side of each half now function as
  [tmux](http://tmux.github.io/) keys: the left to send the prefix, the
  right to send the `display-panes` key. The left also doubles as a GNU
  screen prefix key, and sends `C-a` when double tapped.
* A number of functions, such as the **AppSel** layer, now require the
  `hid-commands` tool to be running, with the output of `hid_listen`
  being piped to it.


* `Y` and `X` have been swapped again.

Media/Navigation layer

* The function keys are now on this layer.
* Mouse keys have been removed.
* Media start/stop/prev/next have been removed.
* `Print screen` has been removed.
* There is only one screen lock key now.


* Fixed a few issues in the finger-stats calculation.
* The tool now also timestamps and saves all input lines to a logfile,
  which it loads on start, allowing one to continue the collection after
  upgrading the tool.
* The heatmap tool will now colorize the stats by default.
* The periodic stats are now printed in a more compact format.


* Added a new tool, `tools/layer-notify` that listens to layer change
  events on the HID console, and pops up a notification on layer
* Another new tool, `tools/text-to-log.py` has been added that converts
  arbitrary text to a keylogger output, which can be fed to the heatmap
* A number of features have been moved to the `tools/hid-commands`
  utility. These generally are OS dependent, and are easier to implement
  on the software side.

Signed-off-by: Gergely Nagy <algernon@madhouse-project.org>
2016-09-18 11:48:47 +02:00

340 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/env python3
import json
import os
import sys
import re
import argparse
import time
from math import floor
from os.path import dirname
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from blessings import Terminal
class Heatmap(object):
coords = [
# Row 0
[ 4, 0], [ 4, 2], [ 2, 0], [ 1, 0], [ 2, 2], [ 3, 0], [ 3, 2],
[ 3, 4], [ 3, 6], [ 2, 4], [ 1, 2], [ 2, 6], [ 4, 4], [ 4, 6],
# Row 1
[ 8, 0], [ 8, 2], [ 6, 0], [ 5, 0], [ 6, 2], [ 7, 0], [ 7, 2],
[ 7, 4], [ 7, 6], [ 6, 4], [ 5, 2], [ 6, 6], [ 8, 4], [ 8, 6],
# Row 2
[12, 0], [12, 2], [10, 0], [ 9, 0], [10, 2], [11, 0], [ ],
[ ], [11, 2], [10, 4], [ 9, 2], [10, 6], [12, 4], [12, 6],
# Row 3
[17, 0], [17, 2], [15, 0], [14, 0], [15, 2], [16, 0], [13, 0],
[13, 2], [16, 2], [15, 4], [14, 2], [15, 6], [17, 4], [17, 6],
# Row 4
[20, 0], [20, 2], [19, 0], [18, 0], [19, 2], [], [], [], [],
[19, 4], [18, 2], [19, 6], [20, 4], [20, 6], [], [], [], []
# Row 5
[ ], [23, 0], [22, 2], [22, 0], [22, 4], [21, 0], [21, 2],
[24, 0], [24, 2], [25, 0], [25, 4], [25, 2], [26, 0], [ ],
def set_attr_at(self, block, n, attr, fn, val):
blk = self.heatmap[block][n]
if attr in blk:
blk[attr] = fn(blk[attr], val)
blk[attr] = fn(None, val)
def coord(self, col, row):
return self.coords[row][col]
def set_attr(orig, new):
return new
def set_bg(self, coords, color):
(block, n) = coords
self.set_attr_at(block, n, "c", self.set_attr, color)
#self.set_attr_at(block, n, "g", self.set_attr, False)
def set_tap_info(self, coords, count, cap):
(block, n) = coords
def _set_tap_info(o, _count, _cap):
ns = 4 - o.count ("\n")
return o + "\n" * ns + "%.02f%%" % (float(_count) / float(_cap) * 100)
if not cap:
cap = 1
self.heatmap[block][n + 1] = _set_tap_info (self.heatmap[block][n + 1], count, cap)
def heatmap_color (v):
colors = [ [0.3, 0.3, 1], [0.3, 1, 0.3], [1, 1, 0.3], [1, 0.3, 0.3]]
fb = 0
if v <= 0:
idx1, idx2 = 0, 0
elif v >= 1:
idx1, idx2 = len(colors) - 1, len(colors) - 1
val = v * (len(colors) - 1)
idx1 = int(floor(val))
idx2 = idx1 + 1
fb = val - float(idx1)
r = (colors[idx2][0] - colors[idx1][0]) * fb + colors[idx1][0]
g = (colors[idx2][1] - colors[idx1][1]) * fb + colors[idx1][1]
b = (colors[idx2][2] - colors[idx1][2]) * fb + colors[idx1][2]
r, g, b = [x * 255 for x in (r, g, b)]
return "#%02x%02x%02x" % (int(r), int(g), int(b))
def __init__(self, layout):
self.log = {}
self.total = 0
self.max_cnt = 0
self.layout = layout
def update_log(self, coords):
(c, r) = coords
if not (c, r) in self.log:
self.log[(c, r)] = 0
self.log[(c, r)] = self.log[(c, r)] + 1
self.total = self.total + 1
if self.max_cnt < self.log[(c, r)]:
self.max_cnt = self.log[(c, r)]
def get_heatmap(self):
with open("%s/heatmap-layout.%s.json" % (dirname(sys.argv[0]), self.layout), "r") as f:
self.heatmap = json.load (f)
## Reset colors
for row in self.coords:
for coord in row:
if coord != []:
self.set_bg (coord, "#d9dae0")
for (c, r) in self.log:
coords = self.coord(c, r)
b, n = coords
cap = self.max_cnt
if cap == 0:
cap = 1
v = float(self.log[(c, r)]) / cap
self.set_bg (coords, self.heatmap_color (v))
self.set_tap_info (coords, self.log[(c, r)], self.total)
return self.heatmap
def get_stats(self):
usage = [
# left hand
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
# right hand
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
finger_map = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4]
for (c, r) in self.log:
if r == 5: # thumb cluster
if c <= 6: # left side
usage[0][4] = usage[0][4] + self.log[(c, r)]
usage[1][0] = usage[1][0] + self.log[(c, r)]
fc = c
hand = 0
if fc >= 7:
hand = 1
fm = finger_map[fc]
usage[hand][fm] = usage[hand][fm] + self.log[(c, r)]
hand_usage = [0, 0]
for f in usage[0]:
hand_usage[0] = hand_usage[0] + f
for f in usage[1]:
hand_usage[1] = hand_usage[1] + f
total = self.total
if total == 0:
total = 1
stats = {
"total-keys": total,
"hands": {
"left": {
"usage": round(float(hand_usage[0]) / total * 100, 2),
"fingers": {
"pinky": 0,
"ring": 0,
"middle": 0,
"index": 0,
"thumb": 0,
"right": {
"usage": round(float(hand_usage[1]) / total * 100, 2),
"fingers": {
"thumb": 0,
"index": 0,
"middle": 0,
"ring": 0,
"pinky": 0,
hmap = ['left', 'right']
fmap = ['pinky', 'ring', 'middle', 'index', 'thumb',
'thumb', 'index', 'middle', 'ring', 'pinky']
for hand_idx in range(len(usage)):
hand = usage[hand_idx]
for finger_idx in range(len(hand)):
stats['hands'][hmap[hand_idx]]['fingers'][fmap[finger_idx + hand_idx * 5]] = round(float(hand[finger_idx]) / total * 100, 2)
return stats
def dump_all(out_dir, heatmaps):
stats = {}
t = Terminal()
print ('{t.underline}{outdir}{t.normal}\n'.format(t=t, outdir=out_dir))
keys = list(heatmaps.keys())
for layer in keys:
if len(heatmaps[layer].log) == 0:
with open ("%s/%s.json" % (out_dir, layer), "w") as f:
json.dump(heatmaps[layer].get_heatmap(), f)
stats[layer] = heatmaps[layer].get_stats()
left = stats[layer]['hands']['left']
right = stats[layer]['hands']['right']
print ('{t.bold}{layer}{t.normal} ({total:,} taps):'.format(t=t, layer=layer,
total=int(stats[layer]['total-keys'] / 2)))
print (('{t.underline} | ' + \
'left ({l[usage]:6.2f}%) | ' + \
'right ({r[usage]:6.2f}%) |{t.normal}').format(t=t, l=left, r=right))
print ((' {t.bright_magenta}pinky{t.white} | {left[pinky]:6.2f}% | {right[pinky]:6.2f}% |\n' + \
' {t.bright_cyan}ring{t.white} | {left[ring]:6.2f}% | {right[ring]:6.2f}% |\n' + \
' {t.bright_blue}middle{t.white} | {left[middle]:6.2f}% | {right[middle]:6.2f}% |\n' + \
' {t.bright_green}index{t.white} | {left[index]:6.2f}% | {right[index]:6.2f}% |\n' + \
' {t.bright_red}thumb{t.white} | {left[thumb]:6.2f}% | {right[thumb]:6.2f}% |\n' + \
'').format(left=left['fingers'], right=right['fingers'], t=t))
def process_line(line, heatmaps, opts, stamped_log = None):
m = re.search ('KL: col=(\d+), row=(\d+), pressed=(\d+), layer=(.*)', line)
if not m:
return False
if stamped_log is not None:
if line.startswith("KL:"):
print ("%10.10f %s" % (time.time(), line),
file = stamped_log, end = '')
print (line,
file = stamped_log, end = '')
(c, r, l) = (int(m.group (2)), int(m.group (1)), m.group (4))
if (c, r) not in opts.allowed_keys:
return False
heatmaps[l].update_log ((c, r))
return True
def setup_allowed_keys(opts):
if len(opts.only_key):
for v in opts.only_key:
m = re.search ('(\d+),(\d+)', v)
if not m:
(c, r) = (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)))
incmap[(c, r)] = True
for r in range(0, 6):
for c in range(0, 14):
incmap[(c, r)] = True
for v in opts.ignore_key:
m = re.search ('(\d+),(\d+)', v)
if not m:
(c, r) = (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)))
del(incmap[(c, r)])
return incmap
def main(opts):
heatmaps = {"Dvorak": Heatmap("Dvorak"),
"ADORE": Heatmap("ADORE")
cnt = 0
out_dir = opts.outdir
if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
opts.allowed_keys = setup_allowed_keys(opts)
if not opts.one_shot:
with open("%s/stamped-log" % out_dir, "r") as f:
while True:
line = f.readline()
if not line:
if not process_line(line, heatmaps, opts):
stamped_log = open ("%s/stamped-log" % (out_dir), "a+")
stamped_log = None
while True:
line = sys.stdin.readline()
if not line:
if not process_line(line, heatmaps, opts, stamped_log):
cnt = cnt + 1
if opts.dump_interval != -1 and cnt >= opts.dump_interval and not opts.one_shot:
cnt = 0
dump_all(out_dir, heatmaps)
dump_all (out_dir, heatmaps)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (description = "keylog to heatmap processor")
parser.add_argument ('outdir', action = 'store',
help = 'Output directory')
parser.add_argument ('--dump-interval', dest = 'dump_interval', action = 'store', type = int,
default = 100, help = 'Dump stats and heatmap at every Nth event, -1 for dumping at EOF only')
parser.add_argument ('--ignore-key', dest = 'ignore_key', action = 'append', type = str,
default = [], help = 'Ignore the key at position (x, y)')
parser.add_argument ('--only-key', dest = 'only_key', action = 'append', type = str,
default = [], help = 'Only include key at position (x, y)')
parser.add_argument ('--one-shot', dest = 'one_shot', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Do not load previous data, and do not update it, either.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args.ignore_key) and len(args.only_key):
print ("--ignore-key and --only-key are mutually exclusive, please only use one of them!",
file = sys.stderr)