BabblePaste is a library of common macros used to make sure that you can have one "paste" button on one layer, and it will do the right thing on any OS or app. Windows=Ctrl-V. Mac = Command-V and so on. The babblepaste library looks for the current status in a babble_mode global variable. To switch modes, run the switch_babble_mode() function, or a pre defined macro. Currently supported are Windows, OS X, Gnome/kde, Emacs, VI and readline, across 42+ common macro actions. ###To use the library 1) Paste the following into your config.h. //////Begin////// #define USE_BABLPASTE 1 #ifdef USE_BABLPASTE /* define BabblePaste maps. Whatever = 0 will be the default. */ // MAC_MODE 0 // MS_MODE 1 // LINUX_MODE 2 // EMACS_MODE 3 // VI_MODE 3 // Readline and tmux // READMUX_MODE 2 // WORDSTAR_MODE 5 #endif // Uncomment these to remove options an free up flash space // This removes everything but cursor movement // BABL_MOVEMENTONLY // and this just removes browser shortcuts // BABL_NOBROWSER ///////End/////// 2) Add the following to your keymap in the action_get_macro //////Begin////// #ifdef USE_BABLPASTE if( id >= BABL_START_NUM && id < (BABL_START_NUM + BABL_NUM_MACROS ) ) { if (record->event.pressed) { // is there a case where this isn't desired? babblePaste ( record, id ); return MACRO_NONE; } } #endif ///////End/////// 3) add Babbelpaste actions to your keymap. See the full list in babblePaste.h, or the list below B_L1C // go left 1 char B_R1C // go Right 1 char B_L1W //GO_LEFT_1 WORD B_R1W //BABL_GO_RIGHT_1 WORD B_GSOL // BABL_GOTO_START of _LINE B_GEOL // BABL_GOTO_END_LINE B_GTOP //BABL_GOTO_START_DOC B_GEND //BABL_GO_END_DOC B_DOWN //BABL_GO_NEXT_LINE B_UP // BABL_GO_PREV_LINE B_PGDN //PGDN B_PGUP //PGUP // B_BKSP //backspace so why bother. B_DEL // DEL_RIGHT_1 Char // usually = Del B_DLW // DEL_LEFT_ 1 WORD) B_DRW //DEL_RIGHT_1 WORD B_DEOL // delete from cursor to end of line B_DSOL // delete from cursor to begining line B_UNDO //UNDO B_REDO // REDO B_CUT // CUT) B_COPY // COPY) B_PAST // PASTE) B_SELA // SELECT_ALL B_FIND // FIND) B_FINDN //FIND_NEXT) B_FINDR // FIND_REPLACE) B_RAPP // open application launcher B_NAPP // switch to next app B_PAPP // switch to previous app B_CAPP // CLOSE_APP) B_HELP // HELP) B_NTAB // BROWSER_NEW_TAB) B_CTAB //BROWSER_CLOSE_TAB) B_ROTB //BROWSER_REOPEN_LAST_TAB) B_NXTB //BROWSER_NEXT_TAB) B_PTAB //BROWSER_PREV_TAB) B_NURL //BROWSER_jump to URL_BAR) B_BFWD // BROWSER_FORWARD (in history) B_BBAK //BROWSER_BACK (in history) B_BFND // BROWSER_FIND) B_BOOK //BROWSER_New BOOKMARK) B_BDEV //BROWSER_ Open DEV_TOOLS) // hard one to remember B_BRLD // BROWSER_RELOAD Page B_BFUlL // BROWSER_FULLSCREEN) B_ZMIN // BROWSER_ZOOM_IN) B_ZMOT //BROWSER_ZOOM_OUT) #### Development notes -Why a new function? Because it would make the keymap too ugly to put it there. -Why not return the macro to action_get_macro? Because I kept running into scope problems and pointers to the wrong type. -Why not an array of arrays as a lookup instead of a function? That would allow you to store the lookup table in PROGMEM. True, but that takes more pre-processor skill than I had. -Have you tested this on every platform? No. Submit a patch. ### Next steps for someone. Make it easier to pair macros with modifiers. So key foo will jump to start of line, and Shift(foo) will jump to the first tab in a browser. ## Thanks Thanks to and And of course QMK...