For instructions on building and installing this keymap, see the [docs]( Below is the command for me; it may be different for you.
* Tapping `GUI` 2, 3, or 4 times will toggle `NUMLOCK`, `CAPSLOCK`, or `SCROLLLOCK`, respectively.
* Tapping `MENU` 2, 3, or 4 times will toggle the `NUMP`, `SYMB`, and `SYSH` layers, respectively.
0. Unicode-input symbols on `SYMB` and `SYSH` layers. Based (loosely) on US-International layout.
0.`NUMP` layer has number pads on each hand. Number pad `7`-`8`-`9` align with QWERTY `7`-`8`-`9` on right hand.
0. Function, arrow, media, and miscellaneous keys on `FCTN` layer.
*`F1` through `F10` on `1`-`10`. `F11` is on `GUI` and `F12` is on `MENU`.
* Brackets (`[` and `]`) available on `U` and `I`; braces (`{` and `}`) on `O` and `P`.
* Arrow keys on `ESDF` and `HJKL`; familiar for both Vim users and FPS gamers.
*`W` is `HOME`; `R` is `END`. `T` is `PAGE UP` and `G` is `PAGE DOWN`.
* Music controls on lower row of left hand.
* Volume and screen brightness on lower row of right hand.
*`PRINT SCREEN`, `PAUSE`, `SYSREQ`, `INSERT`, and `CLEAR` also mapped, as intelligently as possible.
*`A` toggles the RGB underglow (which changes color to indicate active layer).
*`Q` toggles the Unicode input through Linux, WinCompose, and MacOS.
## Contribute
If you are using this layout and think you've found a better way to do something, I'd appreciate an [issue](, or better yet a [pull request](