2024-04-25 13:45:09 +02:00

98 lines
3.7 KiB

import random
import argparse
import sys
def create_framework(n_sentences, n_assumptions, n_rules_per_head,
size_of_bodies, cycle_prob):
Create a random framework.
sentences contains the non-assumption sentences.
n_rules_per_head should be a list exhausting the possible number of rules each head can have
size_of_bodies should be a list exhausting the possible number of sentences in any rule body
These should hold in order to get non-counterintuitive results:
- n_assumptions < n_sentences
- max(size_of_bodies) <= n_sentences+n_assumptions
assumptions = ["a" + str(i) for i in range(n_assumptions)]
sentences = ["s" + str(i) for i in range(n_sentences-n_assumptions)]
contraries = {asmpt: random.choice(sentences+assumptions) for asmpt in assumptions}
# order sentences to avoid cycles
rules = []
for i, head in enumerate(sentences):
n_rules_in_this_head = random.choice(n_rules_per_head)
for _ in range(n_rules_in_this_head):
size_of_body = random.choice(size_of_bodies)
# only allow stuff to occur in body if it is lower in the (topological) order
n_available = len(assumptions) + i
selection_set = assumptions+sentences[:i]
# add potentially cycle creating sentences to the selection set with a given probability
extra_selection = random.sample(sentences[i:], min(len(sentences[i:]), int(cycle_prob*len(sentences))))
#body = random.sample(assumptions+sentences[:i], min(size_of_body, n_available))
body = random.sample(assumptions+selection_set, min(size_of_body, n_available))
rules.append((head, body))
return assumptions, sentences, contraries, rules
def print_ASP(assumptions, contraries, rules, out_filename, query=None):
Print the given framework in ASP format.
with open(out_filename, 'w') as out:
for asm in assumptions:
out.write("assumption(" + asm + ").\n")
for ctr in contraries:
out.write("contrary(" + ctr + "," + contraries.get(ctr) + ").\n")
for i, rule in enumerate(rules):
out.write("head(" + str(i) + "," + rule[0] + ").\n")
if rule[1]:
for body in rule[1]:
out.write("body(" + str(i) + "," + body + ").\n")
if query:
out.write("query(" + query + ").")
n_sentences = int(sys.argv[1])
cycle_prob = float(sys.argv[2])
max_rules_per_head = 5
max_body_size = 5
n_a = int(round(0.15*n_sentences))
n_rph = range(1,max_rules_per_head+1)
n_spb = range(1,max_body_size)
framework = create_framework(n_sentences, n_a, n_rph, n_spb, cycle_prob)
print_ASP(framework[0], framework[2], framework[3], "generated_benchmark.asp", "s0")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--identifier')
args = parser.parse_args()
directory = args.directory
identifier = args.identifier
sens = [1000,2000,3000,4000,5000]
n_rules_max = [2,5,8,13]
rule_size_max = [2,5,8,13]
asmpt_ratio = [0.15,0.3,0.7]
for sen in sens:
for k in asmpt_ratio:
for rph_max in n_rules_max:
for spb_max in rule_size_max:
for i in range(10):
n_a = int(round(k*sen))
n_rph = range(1,rph_max+1)
n_spb = range(1,spb_max+1)
filename = f"{directory}/{identifier}_{sen}_{k}_{rph_max}_{spb_max}_{i}.asp"
framework = create_framework(sen, n_a, n_rph, n_spb)
print_ASP(framework[0], framework[2], framework[3], filename)